Law Zone

Endeavoring to bring you breaking news concerning
legal decisions on Fashion Law topics since in 2021.

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Attorney John P. Bostany is one of the architects of a relatively new field of law that recently emerged now known as Fashion Law

Fashion Laws relate primarily to Copyright and Trademarks which protect creative prints, styles, designs, artwork, patterns, names and logos.

John Bostany and The Bostany Law Firm PLLC are among the most listed names in published trademark/copyright cases concerning fashion. A published case is one that was recognized by a publisher (Westlaw is one of the most prominent) and published in a volume of legal industry books such as the Federal Supplement or Federal Reporter. Attorneys and Courts use these published cases as authority to mold future decisions relating to fashion law pursuant to a foundation of our legal system known as stare decisis, where judge’s follow prior precedent if it is considered “governing” or “controlling” and are sometimes persuaded by prior precedent if it is non-governing or “persuasive”.

Fordham Law School is among the pioneers of formal study in Fashion Law spearheaded by Professor Susan Scafidi. Fordham offers a Master of Laws (L.L.M.) in Fashion Law.

Cases on Selected Topics

Some news reporting concerning John Bostany’s Fashion Law cases can be found in the links below